Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I've been neglecting this blog! I should have included constant blogging to my list of resolutions.
But I have a good reason (excuse!).  I've been very busy creating and listing new jewelry for my etsy shop.  It seemed silly to me to link to it when it didn't have enough product.

I joined the 2012 Jewelry-Makers Challenge Team on Etsy a few weeks ago. So far, it's been really fun. It has pushed me to be creative and also to focus on one thing at a time to get it done by the deadline.

The idea is that every week, the captain creates a theme (or two) for us to create something around. I missed the first week's challenge, because I hadn't joined the team yet, but I've done a few.
The second week's challenge was to create earrings that represented one of the elements. I chose water.
Waterfall Earrings
They weren't the easiest thing for me to make, as fringing always seems to go wonky for me. But, overall, I was pleased with them.

In addition to creating the challenge pieces, I've been cleaning out my bead stash. This somehow always leads to stringing for me. I don't really know why. But, since I get inspired to do stringing about once a year, when the inspiration hits, I go with it.  I dig out all of my colored glass beads and just play.  I'm actually very impressed with myself  for how many things I've actually gotten finished. I was whipping them out so fast that when I went to take pictures, I found some that I'd completely forgotten! (Of course, since it had only been about a week, that may say more about my lapsing memory than anything else).

Over the next couple of weeks, I'll get them listed on Etsy, but in the meantime, here's a sampling:
Long, Long Amber Necklace

This necklace is very long, so it can be wrapped two or three times around the neck, or just keep wrapping and it can be worn as a bracelet.

Blue Lampwork Glass with Pink Crystals

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