Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Business Remodel

Well here I go again… I’ve been looking into marketing for my business (mostly my Etsy shop), so I’ve been looking at a lot of business books, and marketing books.

So many of them talk about passion! I am not passionate about my jewelry. (Confession-most of it is not something I would wear.) I love to do bead weaving, but sometimes the designs are a little elaborate and fancy for me. 

But not really “fancy” enough to be FABULOUS beadwork. (I see some amazing designs on Pinterest). I don’t really have the passion to WANT to create FABULOUS beadwork. My feeling has always been that I want my jewelry to be completely wearable. To something other than an art gallery opening).  I don’t mean to put anyone down who makes or wears elaborate designs, it’s just not me, and it’s not anyone I know either. 

So, after much thought, I’m shifting my focus back to my roots.  I grew up in southern California. That means I was surrounded by lots of different ethnic groups and styles. My own style has always been an eclectic mixture of cultural influences. Native American, Mexican, Asian, Indian, etc. And I'm a bit of a hippie, with a little bit of country and Cowboy thrown in the mix.

The few times I ever dressed up for Halloween as a child, I was a ‘gypsy”. I’ve always loved “hippie” styles and what we now call boho. And whenever western wear was in style-I was there!

We have some native American ancestry, and my Mom decorated and dressed with a lot of native American influence. Plus, I spent quite a bit of time in Arizona when I was growing up. And a lot of that time was in the Sedona area, which, even then was full of Artists. This had a huge influence on my style and aesthetic.

So, I have decided to create jewelry that is more my style. My eclectic blend of styles. Designs that I will want to wear! And I'm excited again!

The launch of my new line is April 16 at my Etsy store:


 Commitment leads to action. Action brings your dream closer.
Marcia Wieder


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